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墨尔本大学( The University of Mellbourne) , 简称墨大,始建于1853年,是世界顶尖研究型大,南半球首屈指的学术重镇,为AACSB和EQUIS认证成员,世界30强名校。墨尔本大学强调学生在学术造诣与人格修养等方面的综合能力,竭力为学生塑造独特的” 墨尔本经验”(Melbourne Experience)。建校已来,已经培养出28万名遍布世界各地的优秀毕业生,其中包括4位澳洲总理, 8位诺贝尔奖得, 120名罗德学者。根据《The Bulletin》 专刊”最具影响力的100位澳洲人”, 其中有33位与墨尔本大学有学术关系。截止目前,墨尔本大学是澳洲八大中唯-所仍然拒绝承认中国高考成绩的大学。
The original custom Australia Melbourne university diploma transcript | QUT degree diploma, transcript, ielts, leave letter certification (information storage, permanent query) there are all kinds of craft machines, technology first-class, guarantee and the original agreement (including: Invisible watermark, shadow shading, steel stamp LOGO hot stamping silver, LOGO hot stamping silver compound overlap, text pattern relief, laser laser, UV fluorescence, temperature sense, copy security) can see the sample, business scope has Canada, Britain, Australia, South Korea, the United States, Singapore, New Zealand and other education materials, your satisfaction.
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