The original customized Oxford University graduation certificate | QUT transcript "Graduation certificate, transcript, IELTS, degree certification (information storage, permanent query) has all kinds of craft machines, first-class craft technology, and is guaranteed to be consistent with the original version (including: Invisible watermark, shadow shading, stencil LOGO bronzing and silvering, LOGO bronzing and silvering compound overlap, text pattern embossing, laser laser, UV fluorescence, temperature sense, copy anti-counterfeiting) can see the sample, the business scope includes Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, South Korea , the United States, Singapore, New Zealand and other academic materials, including your satisfaction.

牛津大学(University of Oxford,拉丁文:Universitas Oxoniensis,简称Oxon.)位于英国牛津市,是英语世界中最古老的大学。 在九个世纪的历史中,一直是英国乃至的拔尖学府。牛津大学和剑桥大学时常被合称为牛剑。 它们两所作为英格兰最古老、最的大学,有着很久的竞争渊源。牛津大学被英国泰晤士报连续五年评为综合排名的大学。在泰晤士高等教育增刊里牛津大学在世界名列第三。 牛津大学是英国研究型团体罗素大学集团(Russell Group of Universities), 欧洲的大学联盟科英布拉集团(Coimbra Group), LERU (League of European Research Universities)和Europaeum中的一员。 牛津大学有历史、有世界声誉。尽管由于国家和资源的优势相对衰落,牛津和剑桥高居于世界大学之冠的日子早已不再。但它仍在英国社会和高等教育系统中具有极其重要的地位,也仍然有着世界性的影响。英国甚至全世界教育界,言必称牛津;英国和世界很多的青年学子们都以进牛津为理想。
The original customized Oxford University graduation certificate | QUT transcript "Graduation certificate, transcript, IELTS, degree certification (information storage, permanent query) has all kinds of craft machines, first-class craft technology, and is guaranteed to be consistent with the original version (including: Invisible watermark, shadow shading, stencil LOGO bronzing and silvering, LOGO bronzing and silvering compound overlap, text pattern embossing, laser laser, UV fluorescence, temperature sense, copy anti-counterfeiting) can see the sample, the business scope includes Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, South Korea , the United States, Singapore, New Zealand and other academic materials, including your satisfaction.
标签: 牛津大学毕业证样本 英国大学毕业证样本 国外电子版毕业证