The original customized New Mexico State University graduation certificate | QUT transcript "Graduation certificate, transcript, IELTS, degree certification (information storage, permanent query) has all kinds of craft machines, first-class craft technology, guaranteed to be consistent with the original (including : Invisible watermark, shadow shading, stencil LOGO bronzing and silvering, LOGO bronzing and silvering compound overlap, text pattern embossing, laser laser, ultraviolet fluorescence, temperature sense, copy anti-counterfeiting) can see the sample, the business scope includes Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, South Korea, the United States, Singapore, New Zealand and other academic materials, you are satisfied.
新墨西哥州立大学(New Mexico State University,简称NMSU)成立于1888年,美国知名公立大学,“大陆法案大学”(land-grant university)之一。位于美国新墨西哥州南部的第二大城拉斯库塞斯Las Cruces(人口11万),学校原名拉斯库塞斯学院。2013年美国新闻与世界报道US News大学部全美排名第189名。目前,该校在校生约为15000人,其中1/4的学生由西班牙语裔学生构成。该校开设的学科中,以工程为最好,学生选修最多的学科,依次是商科管理(25%),工程(13%),教育(13%)、公共事务(7%)、社会科学(6%)。
农业,消费者与环境科学学院(Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences)、人文与科学学院(Arts and Sciences)、商学院(Business)、教育学院(Education)、工学院(Engineering)、推广教育学院(Extended Learning)研究生院(Graduate School)、健康与社会服务学院(Health and Social Services)、荣誉学院(Honors College)。
该校的天文学排名全美前5(在新墨西哥州沙漠中拥有自己的射电天文望远镜基地,也是世界上最大的由高校管理运作的天文望远镜。冥王星的发现者曾担任该校天文学教授长达20余年),航天类专业全美排名前20,农学排名第5。教育学排名18。学校参与过第一颗原子弹设计和试爆,故而该校拥有很强大的军工及航天背景,是NASA(国家宇航局)拥有的52所Space Grant College(太空法案学校)之一。
郎平(Jenny Lang),1987年就读该校体育管理系硕士专业。
The original customized New Mexico State University graduation certificate | QUT transcript "Graduation certificate, transcript, IELTS, degree certification (information storage, permanent query) has all kinds of craft machines, first-class craft technology, guaranteed to be consistent with the original (including : Invisible watermark, shadow shading, stencil LOGO bronzing and silvering, LOGO bronzing and silvering compound overlap, text pattern embossing, laser laser, ultraviolet fluorescence, temperature sense, copy anti-counterfeiting) can see the sample, the business scope includes Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, South Korea, the United States, Singapore, New Zealand and other academic materials, you are satisfied.
标签: 新墨西哥州立大学毕业证样本 美国大学毕业证样本 国外电子版毕业证