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克劳斯塔尔工业大学(Technische Uni.Clausthal)学校建立于1775年,属于公立大学,是德国著名的工业大学之一,是可以授予博士学位的大学。位于下萨克森州的小城克劳斯塔尔·采勒费尔德(Clausthal-Zellerfeld)。大学的前身是一所由“亨宁·卡沃尔”(Henning Calvör)于1775年发起建立的采矿、铸造学校,1864年转为矿业学院。1968年大学扩充了新的学科(化学、物理、数学、机械制造),与此同时注册学生的数量也大量增长。
Original custom German Klaus tal industrial university graduation card | QUT transcripts of the graduation certificate, transcript, ielts, leave letter degree certification (information storage, permanent query) there are all kinds of craft machines, first-class processing technology, guarantee and the original agreement (including: Invisible watermark, shadow shading, steel stamp LOGO hot stamping silver, LOGO hot stamping silver compound overlap, text pattern relief, laser laser, UV fluorescence, temperature sense, copy security) can see the sample, business scope has Canada, Britain, Australia, South Korea, the United States, Singapore, New Zealand and other education materials, your satisfaction.
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