The original customized German Hannover University graduation certificate|QUT transcript "Graduation certificate, transcript, IELTS, academic certification (information storage, permanent query) has all kinds of craft machines, first-class craft technology, guaranteed to be consistent with the original version (including: Invisible watermark, shadow shading, stencil LOGO bronzing and silvering, LOGO bronzing and silvering compound overlap, text pattern embossing, laser laser, UV fluorescence, temperature sense, copy anti-counterfeiting) can see the sample, the business scope includes Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, South Korea , the United States, Singapore, New Zealand and other academic materials, including your satisfaction.

汉诺威大学(Universität Hannover)全称为汉诺威莱布尼兹大学(Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover),位于德国下萨克森州首府汉诺威,始建于 1831 年,原“普鲁士皇家理工高校”(Königliche Technische Hochschule),现隶属于TU9(德国历史最为悠久,具有最高声誉和最高教研水平的的9所理工大学联盟),是德国著名的公立大学,现有在校学生26800余名,海外学生2700余人,教师3500 余人,其中包括 2000余人科研人员。2006年7月1日,伟大的数学家及哲学家莱布尼兹诞辰360周年亟大学175年校庆之际,特改名为汉诺威莱布尼兹大学。汉诺威莱布尼兹大学拥有国际化的教学和研究环境,目前是德国大学中最具现代化和前瞻性的大学之一。根据《Times higher Education》显示,汉诺威大学位于世界第351。
The original customized German Hannover University graduation certificate|QUT transcript "Graduation certificate, transcript, IELTS, academic certification (information storage, permanent query) has all kinds of craft machines, first-class craft technology, guaranteed to be consistent with the original version (including: Invisible watermark, shadow shading, stencil LOGO bronzing and silvering, LOGO bronzing and silvering compound overlap, text pattern embossing, laser laser, UV fluorescence, temperature sense, copy anti-counterfeiting) can see the sample, the business scope includes Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, South Korea , the United States, Singapore, New Zealand and other academic materials, including your satisfaction.
标签: 汉诺威大学毕业证样本 德国大学毕业证样本 国外电子版毕业证