

The original custom Canada Douglas college diploma transcript | QUT degree diploma, transcript, ielts, leave letter certification (information storage, permanent query) there are all kinds of craft machines, first-class technology, guarantee and original agreement (including: Invisible watermark, shadow shading, steel stamp LOGO hot stamping silver, LOGO hot stamping silver compound overlap, text pattern relief, laser laser, UV fluorescence, temperature sense, copy security) can see the sample, business scope has Canada, Britain, Australia, South Korea, the United States, Singapore, New Zealand and other education materials, your satisfaction.


道格拉斯学院是加拿大最大的公立高等学院之一,建成于1970年,位于加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省。学院地理位置优越,两个校区分别靠近机场和大型购物中心:新建校区位于高贵林地区,校舍规模宏大,教学设施完善;老校区New Westminster位于市中心附近,其ESL中心就设在这里。学院开设的主要专业有:管理会计、会计、商学、商业管理、工商管理、电脑信息系统、经济学、金融服务管理、综合商科、旅馆及饭店管理、市场营销管理、新兴企业管理、人类学、犯罪学、地理、历史、人文学、政治科学、心理学、社会学、生物学、化学、教练、电脑科学、环境科学、地质学、数学、体育、物理学、办公室助理、法律速记、法律秘书、办公室行政助理、金融机构秘书、医务办公室助理、办公室助理、办公室管理助理等。

The original custom Canada Douglas college diploma transcript | QUT degree diploma, transcript, ielts, leave letter certification (information storage, permanent query) there are all kinds of craft machines, first-class technology, guarantee and original agreement (including: Invisible watermark, shadow shading, steel stamp LOGO hot stamping silver, LOGO hot stamping silver compound overlap, text pattern relief, laser laser, UV fluorescence, temperature sense, copy security) can see the sample, business scope has Canada, Britain, Australia, South Korea, the United States, Singapore, New Zealand and other education materials, your satisfaction.

标签: 道格拉斯学院毕业证样本 加拿大大学毕业证样本 加拿大电子版毕业证

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